Thursday, 19 April 2012

~Notice SpotLight~

This ~Notice SpotLight~ goes to Poison Enzyme
This is called: Girls Just Wanna Have Fu-Un!

This is our newest feature:
 We will try to once a week shine a light on a pictorial notices posted in * SL PORN * group!! Spotlight work from the *SL PORN* community.

I really like this set, a flash back to the 80's

Poison is also involved with the Bi Monthly Magazine Fantasy Dreamz Inc.(a DLG Production). You can get a free copy by looking in * SL PORN * group notice on April 7th & 8th.

The little secret about the last picture!! It's a morph!!! 2 SL models placed in a RL picture!!
The candles, the reflections and the shininess of the fiberglass bath encloser were the give away.
 Linda and I had talked about adding Poison to our studio blog as a contributor, and when we saw this picture we knew she would be great for it.

At first it was a little hard to get Poison to admit it was a morph, but that is what I love about it!!The picture shows great insight and creativity, 2 traits I love!! The fact that she found a picture she liked then posing the models to fit the picture or vice versa, did the pose then found a picture that would fit the pose, is fantastic.

A lot of photographers just shoot pictures, rely on editing effects to cover their flaws and make them special. To me it's more trial and error then creativity and insightful. They just try different effect and if they like them they keep, if not they just hit undo. Not saying Poison didn't use effects, but her picture had to be more planned out the a typical SL picture!!

I myself have thought of doing morphs, but each time I think of the work to find the perfect picture and then how the models have to be posed to fit the picture, and it just seems like a lot of work.
Poison did a great job!!

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